Hi, I’m Meredith.


  • Entrepreneurial career and leadership coach working in partnership with individuals, organizations, students and alumni at Harvard Business School (HBS) and Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) alumni

  • 20+ years of professional experience in strategy, finance, fundraising and operations (primarily, but not exclusively, in the nonprofit sector)

  • Mentored and coached innumerable colleagues and clients across the full spectrum of sectors, roles, demographics and geographies



  • Identify as an anti-racist, straight, white, cis woman; my pronouns are she/her/hers

  • Am a self, partner, parent, daughter, sister, family member, friend, colleague and advocate

  • For the past 18 years, have called several neighborhoods in and around Boston home

  • Grew up in New Hampshire; lived in Connecticut, Ireland, New Jersey and Minnesota

PS. This list was a quick way to communicate the basics, but I’m happy to answer whatever questions you have — just ask!